The Resources
Plastic[PET] bottle
Cut the Plastic [PET] bottle
After Cut
Tape the edge of the bottle with insulating tape
Double-sided adhesive tape
Install Double-sided adhesive tape to inner side of bottle
Insert the baloon into the plastic bottle[Before use, fill the balloon with air a few times so that it stretches.]
Turn over the baloon
Fill the balloon with the ground coffee.
Cut the Cotton swab[plastic tube shaft type]
Insert the cotton swab into the plastic syringe [The swab is function as a filter to let the air pass but not the ground coffee]
Insert the plastic syringe into the plastic bottle
Turn over the baloon to the plastic syringe
Tape the bottle and the syringe together using the insulating tape
Scooch the balloon
Double-sided adhesive tape
Complex shape object[for example "clothes pin"]
Press the universal gripper to the object[the balloon transforms(deformation)]
Vacuum the air [pull the plunger]->"Jamming Transition!!"
You can grip the object!!