【 2015 年度 授業概要】
科   目 人文科学特講 ( Human Science )
担当教員 ピレッジ講師
対象学年等 全学科・5年・通年・選択・2単位 ( 学修単位I )
C3(80%) D2(20%)

1 【C3】 アメリカの文化の諸相ををより良く理解し,新たな発想を表現できる.
2 【C3】 グローバルシンキングをテクノロジーを通してより深く理解できる.
3 【C3】 テクノロジーを使って研究手段としての英語表現力を高める.
4 【D2】 英会話力を上達させる.

1 アメリカの文化の諸相を理解し新たな発想を表現できるかを,中間試験・定期試験,演習で評価する.
2 授業中の質疑・応答を通して,各学生のグローバルシンキングの理解度を評価する.
3 テクノロジーを使って研究手段としての英語表現力を高める事ができたかを演習で評価する.
4 英会話力を上達させることができたかどうかを,中間試験・定期試験,演習で評価する.

成績は,試験30% プレゼンテーション15% 演習40% プロジェクト15% として評価する. 具体的には,前期の評価は中間,定期試験で30%になります.後期は,中間試験の代わりにグループプロジェクト(15%)で,定期試験の代わりに個人のプレゼンテーション(15%)で評価します.演習での評価が40%(前期20%,後期20%)になります.
テキスト プリント
関連科目 本科目はこれ以外の英語科が開講する全ての科目に関連する.

【授業計画( 人文科学特講 )】
1 Introduction to the course
Overview of the course - Assessment of students' English proficiency
2 English Conversation and American Culture (1)
Self introductions, American greeting styles and language
3 Technology and studying English (1)
Introduction of technology useful when studying English as a second language
4 Global thinking and technology (1)
Introduce global thinking, global topics, using technology.
5 English Conversation and American Culture (2)
Focus on conversation skill building and American culture. Introduce ESL Card games.
6 Technology and studying English (2)
Discuss using technology to develop self-study tools.
7 Global thinking and technology (2)
Discuss using technology and English to interact on a global scale. Social media and Online gaming.
8 中間試験
Midterm test and assessment
9 English Conversation and American Culture (3)
Introduce American Culture and Conversation techniques through video.
10 Technology and studying English (3)
Brainstorming on new ESL language game ideas and tools to make them
11 Global thinking and technology (3)
Use technology to find out how other countries' college students live.
12 English Conversation and American Culture (4)
Conversation skills for debate, opinions and refusals
13 Technology and studying English (4)
Start to develop ESL original language game in groups.
14 Global thinking and technology (4)
Using technology to help in the development of study tools and continuation of group project
15 Group presentation
ESL language game development process presented to other groups for ideas and self-assessment, Review for end of semester assessment.
16 English Conversation and American Culture (5)
Introduction of different American popular tourist destinations and travel English
17 Technology and studying English (5)
Group ESL Language game final edits check
18 Global thinking and technology (5)
Introduction of presentation techniques and TED talks video
19 English Conversation and American Culture (6)
Presentation English and body language
20 Technology and studying English (6)
Tech skills for creating interesting PowerPoint presentations
21 Global thinking and technology (6)
TED talks video for presentation creating inspiration
22 Group project final adjustments
Students introduce ESL game to other groups and learn to use each language tool
23 Group Project Evaluation
Instead of midterm test, Group project will be evaluated by the teacher and peers
24 English Conversation and American Culture (7)
Group presentation brainstorming and script writing ? Pecha Kucha format
25 Technology and studying English (7)
Powerpoint editing and advanced techniques
26 Global thinking and technology (7)
TED talks video for presentation creating inspiration
27 English Conversation and American Culture (8)
Script editing and peer/group/self assessment explination ? Pecha Kucha format
28 Technology and studying English (8)
Final ? Pecha Kucha presentation project tech editing
29 Final individual (Pecha Kucha) presentations (1)
Final ? Pecha Kucha Powerpoint Presentations in English with peer - assessment
30 Final individual (Pecha Kucha) presentations (2)
Final ? Pecha Kucha Powerpoint Presentations in English with peer - assessment
