
瀬戸浦 健仁 (個人のページはこちら
SETOURA Kenji   メール:
  • 職名

  • 専門分野

  • 現在の研究課題と概要
    1. プラズモニクスと光熱変換

    2. ナノ材料の光マニピュレーション

  • 研究業績(主要3件)
    1. Mamoru Tamura, Takuya Iida, Kenji Setoura (Corresponding Author)*
      “Plasmonic Nanoscale Temperature Shaping on a Single Titanium Nitride Nanostructure”
      Nanoscale, 14, 12589, 2022. (Royal Society of Chemistry)

    2. Kenji Setoura (Corresponding Author)*, Syoji Ito*
      “Optical manipulation in conjunction with photochemical/photothermal responses of materials”
      J. Photochem. Photobiol. C: Photochem. Rev., 52, 100536, 2022. (Elsevier)

    3. Kenji Setoura (Corresponding Author)*, Syoji Ito
      “Quantifying the durability of transition metal nitrides in thermoplasmonics at the single-nanoparticle level”
      AIP Advances, 11, 115027, 2021. (American Institute of Physics)

  • 所属学会,協会
    1. 日本機械学会
    2. 応用物理学会
    3. 光化学協会

  • 担当教科
    電気電子工学, 自動制御, 応用数学III, 技術者倫理, 技術英語, 専攻科ゼミII, 機械工学実験I

  • 顧問

  • 受賞・学術賞
    1. Best poster award, “Photosynergetic Control of Mesoscopic Systems by Using Radiation Force and T-type Photochromic Reactions.”,
      Workshop for Young Researchers on Photo-active materials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses 2018 (Lille, France).
    2. Poster Prize, “Picosecond Pump-probe Study of Gold Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution: Excitation Wavelength and Excitation Intensity Effects.”,
      8th Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Conference 2014 (Trivandrum, India).